Homily of Pope Francis of March 27, 2020

Tempo di lettura: 8 minuti

Read Pope Francis' homily of March 27, 2020

"Come in the evening" (Mc4.35).

Così inizia il Vangelo che abbiamo ascoltato. Da settimane sembra che sia scesa la sera. Fitte tenebre si sono addensate sulle nostre piazze, strade e città; si sono impadronite delle nostre vite riempiendo tutto di un silenzio assordante e di un vuoto desolante, che paralizza ogni cosa al suo passaggio: si sente nell’aria, si avverte nei gesti, lo dicono gli sguardi.

We found ourselves scared and lost. Like the disciples of the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected and furious storm. We realized that we were on the same boat, all fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and necessary, all called to row together, all in need of comforting each other. On this boat... we are all here.

Just as those disciples, who speak with one voice and in anguish say: "We are lost" (v. 38), so we too have realized that we cannot move forward each on our own, but only together.

It's easy to find ourselves in this story. What is difficult is understanding Jesus' attitude. While the disciples are naturally alarmed and desperate, He is at the stern,ownin the part of the boat that sinks first. And what does he do? Despite the commotion, he sleeps peacefully, trusting in the Father – it is the only time in the Gospel that we see Jesus sleeping –. Then when he is awakened, after having calmed the wind and the waters, he turns to the disciples in a reproachful tone: «Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (v.40).

Let's try to understand. What does the disciples' lack of faith consist of, which contrasts with Jesus' trust? They had not stopped believing in Him, in fact they invoked Him. But let's see how they invoke him: "Master, don't you care that we are lost?" (v. 38).You don't care: pensano che Gesù si disinteressi di loro, che non si curi di loro.

Among us, in our families, one of the things that hurts the most is when we hear ourselves say: "Don't you care about me?". It is a phrase that hurts and unleashes storms in the heart. It will have shaken Jesus too. Because no one cares about us more than Him. In fact, once invoked, he saves his disheartened disciples.

La tempesta smaschera la nostra vulnerabilità e lascia scoperte quelle false e superflue sicurezze con cui abbiamo costruito le nostre agende, i nostri progetti, le nostre abitudini e priorità.

It shows us how we have left asleep and abandoned what fuels, sustains and gives strength to our lives and our community. The storm exposes all the intentions to "package" and forget what has nourished the soul of our people; all those attempts to anesthetize with apparently "saving" habits, incapable of appealing to our roots and evoking the memory of our elders, thus depriving us of the immunity necessary to face adversity.

With the storm, the trick of those stereotypes with which we masked our "egos" always worried about their own image fell away; and once again that (blessed) common belonging to which we cannot escape was discovered: belonging as brothers.

"Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?». Signore, la tua Parola stasera ci colpisce e ci riguarda, tutti. In questo nostro mondo, che Tu ami più di noi, siamo andati avanti a tutta velocità, sentendoci forti e capaci in tutto. Avidi di guadagno, ci siamo lasciati assorbire dalle cose e frastornare dalla fretta.

We did not stop before your calls, we did not wake up in the face of wars and planetary injustices, we did not listen to the cry of the poor, and of our seriously ill planet. We continued undaunted, thinking about always stay healthy in a sick world. Now, while we are in rough seas, we implore you: “Wake up, Lord!”.

"Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?». Lord, you make an appeal to us, an appeal to faith. Which is not so much believing that You exist, but coming to You and trusting You. In this Lent your urgent appeal resonates: "Convert", "return to me with all your heart" (Gl 2,12).

You call us to seize this time of trial asa time of choice. Non è il tempo del tuo giudizio, ma del nostro giudizio: il tempo di scegliere che cosa conta e che cosa passa, di separare ciò che è necessario da ciò che non lo è. È il tempo di reimpostare la rotta della vita verso di Te, Signore, e verso gli altri. E possiamo guardare a tanti compagni di viaggio esemplari, che, nella paura, hanno reagito donando la propria vita. È la forza operante dello Spirito riversata e plasmata in coraggiose e generose dedizioni.

It is the life of the Spirit capable of redeeming, valorizing and showing how our lives are woven and supported by ordinary people - usually forgotten – which do not appear in the headlines of newspapers and magazines nor in the latest big catwalksshowbut, without a doubt, the decisive events of our history are being written today: doctors, nurses, supermarket workers, cleaners, carers, transporters, police forces, volunteers, priests, nuns and many, many others who have understood that no one saves themselves.

In the face of suffering, where the true development of our peoples is measured, we discover and experience the priestly prayer of Jesus: "that all may be one" (Jn17,21). How many people exercise patience and instil hope every day, taking care not to sow panic but co-responsibility. How many fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, teachers they show our children, with small and daily gestures, how to face and navigate a crisis by readjusting habits, raising their gaze and stimulating prayer. How many people pray, offer and intercede for the good of all. Prayer and silent service: they are our winning weapons.

"Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?». The beginning of faith is knowing ourselves in need of salvation. We are not self-sufficient, alone; alone affondiamo: abbiamo bisogno del Signore come gli antichi naviganti delle stelle. Invitiamo Gesù nelle barche delle nostre vite.

Let's hand over our fears to Him, so that He can overcome them. Like the disciples we will experience that, with Him on board, there is no shipwreck. Because this is God's strength: turning everything that happens to us into good, even the bad things. He brings calm into our storms, because with God life never dies.

Il Signore ci interpella e, in mezzo alla nostra tempesta, ci invita a risvegliare e attivare la solidarietà e la speranza capaci di dare solidità, sostegno e significato a queste ore in cui tutto sembra naufragare. Il Signore si risveglia per risvegliare e ravvivare la nostra fede pasquale.

We have an anchor: in his cross we have been saved. We have a rudder: in his cross we have been redeemed. We have a hope: in his cross we have been healed and embraced so that nothing and no one can separate us from his redeeming love. In the midst of isolation in which we are suffering from the lack of affection and encounters, experiencing the lack of many things, we listen once again to the announcement that saves us: he has risen and lives next to us.

The Lord challenges us from his cross to rediscover the life that awaits us, to look towards those who call upon us, to strengthen, recognize and encourage the grace that dwells within us. Let us not extinguish the dull flame (seeIs42.3), who never gets sick, and let us let him rekindle hope.

Abbracciare la sua croce significa trovare il coraggio di abbracciare tutte le contrarietà del tempo presente, abbandonando per un momento il nostro affanno di onnipotenza e di possesso per dare spazio alla creatività che solo lo Spirito è capace di suscitare.

It means finding the courage to open spaces where everyone can feel called and allow new forms of hospitality, of brotherhood,and solidarity. In her cross we were saved to welcome hope and let it strengthen and support all the possible measures and paths that can help us guard and safeguard ourselves. Embracing the Lord to embrace hope: this is the strength of faith, which frees us from fear and gives hope.

"Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?». Cari fratelli e sorelle, da questo luogo, che racconta la fede rocciosa di Pietro, stasera vorrei affidarvi tutti al Signore, per l’intercessione della Madonna, salute del suo popolo, stella del mare in tempesta.

Da questo colonnato che abbraccia Roma e il mondo scenda su di voi, come un abbraccio consolante, la benedizione di Dio. Signore, benedici il mondo, dona salute ai corpi e conforto ai cuori. Ci chiedi di non avere paura. Ma la nostra fede è debole e siamo timorosi.

But You, Lord, do not leave us at the mercy of the storm. Repeat again: «Do not be afraid» (mt 28,5).

And we, together with Peter, "we cast every worry on You, because You care for us” (cf1 pt5,7).

Papa Francesco bacia i piedi di Gesù sula Croce: Omelia di Papa Francesco del 27 marzo 2020
Pope Francis kisses the feet of Jesus on the Cross

Leggi e stampa la meditazione di Papa Francesco


Leggi e stampa il momento di preghiera di Papa Francesco

source © Vatican News – Dicasterium pro Communicatione

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