Reading time: 2 minutes

Read and listen to our little prayer of March 18, 2023

Praying with you, praying for you, praying with your angel friends and praying with and for our Lord is always a pleasure. A pleasure for the soul, a pleasure for the spirit, a pleasure for life.

For that life that is too often a slave to work, dominated by the inclement clock that passes too quickly, tied to the gazes of others, tied to futile and worldly commitments and prey to jaws that are always open to devour others.

There is no room for the other: there is only me.

Ecco l’errore di fondo: mettere sempre al primo posto “io” invece di collocare “Dio” come leader della nostra vita.

There is no welcome without integration. People must be accompanied from the beginning until they are truly integrated into our society. "You shall treat the stranger living among you as one who was born among you" (Lev 19:34).

Pope Francis via Twitter

Leggiamo nel profondo le intime parole del Santo Padre: SPEECH OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS

Preghierina del 18 marzo 2023
Prayer of March 18, 2023 3

Se ponessimo Dio al primo posto della scaletta della nostra vita, avremmo solo fratelli da accogliere, non rifugiati. Se la pace fosse il nostro obiettivo quotidiano, non avremmo scarpette rosse da appendere, ma compagni, compagne, amici da amare.

We are sinners and need mercy like the air we breathe. The willingness to convert, to allow oneself to be purified, to change one's life, is a sign of courage, of strength. #Lent

Pope Francis via Twitter

Dio è amore, Dio ci ama: facciamo altrettanto! Siamo peccatori, lo sappiamo: proprio per questo Dio ci accoglie, ci perdona, ci sprona al meglio.

Permettiamo all’amore di Dio di permeare nelle nostre vite.

Solo chi è povero in spirito, bisognoso di salvezza e mendicante di grazia, si presenta davanti a Dio senza esibire meriti, senza pretese, senza presunzione: non ha nulla e perciò trova tutto, perché trova il Signore. #24OrePerIl Signore

Pope Francis via Twitter

Holy Mass in memory of Eugene

Prayer to St. Joseph

O amato San Giuseppe, Dio nel sonno ti ha manifestato i suoi misteriosi progetti per la tua futura sposa Maria e la missione di custodire Jesus, the Savior of the world.

Now we entrust to you our prayers, our desires, aspirations and hopes, so that they are present in your dreams and can be realized for our good.

Un bene che ci renda sempre più amici del tuo figlio Jesussource of physical and spiritual well-being.

Get us the strength to promptly carry out the will of theFathertowards us and, from your example, we can learn not to let ourselves be overwhelmed by life's difficulties and always feel your paternalhandprotector, in ourshand.

Keep us, today as yesterday and tomorrow, in your sleep as a just man.

Let's pray together

preghiera di abbandono
Little prayer
Prayer of March 18, 2023

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