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Read and listen to the fairy tale of “the cat without boots”


The original “Puss in Boots” fairy tale is a European folk story with several variations, the origins of which date back to ancient times. The most famous version is the one written by Charles Perrault in 1697 and included in his collection of fairy tales “Tales of the Mother Goose".


An old miller, on his deathbed, divides his meager possessions among his three sons: to the eldest he leaves the mill, to the second the donkey and to the youngest, as the unluckiest heir, a cat. The young man, disconsolate at having received only one cat, thinks of cooking it out of hunger. But the cat, gifted with extraordinary intelligence and magical abilities, convinces him not to do it and promises him that it will make him rich.

The cat, with a pair of boots and a plumed hat that the young man provides for him, goes to the King and makes him believe that his master is the Marquis of Carabas, owner of immense lands. The King, fascinated by the beauty of her daughter and the presumed wealth of her Marquis, agrees to give her to him in marriage.

The cat, with the help of some stratagems and thanks to his cunning, eliminates all obstacles and ensures that the young man marries the Princess. The young miller thus becomes a rich Marquis and lives happily with his bride, while the cat, who has demonstrated his loyalty and ingenuity, becomes his most trusted advisor.

Lessons from the fairy tale:

The fairy tale “Puss in Boots” teaches several important lessons:

  • Cunning and intelligence can triumph over strength and wealth. The cat, although not a powerful animal, manages to achieve its goals thanks to its cunning and its ability to devise ingenious plans.
  • The importance of friendship and loyalty. The cat shows great loyalty to its owner and helps him make his dreams come true.
  • You should never judge by appearances. The young miller, initially considered poor and unfortunate, turns out to be a worthy groom for the Princess thanks to his courage and goodness of heart.
  • Luck can help, but it is essential to be resourceful and tenacious to achieve your goals. The cat, despite having luck on its side, does not simply wait for things to happen, but acts with ingenuity and determination to get what it wants.


  • The “Puss in Boots” fairy tale has been adapted into several works, including films, cartoons, plays and musicals.
  • The figure of Puss in Boots has become a popular icon, often depicted in illustrations, sculptures and other objects.
  • The fairy tale also inspired an Italian proverb: “As smart as a cat in boots”.


The fairy tale of "Puss in Boots" is a fun story full of food for thought, which continues to fascinate readers of all ages. It is a story that celebrates ingenuity, friendship and the ability to overcome difficulties with cunning and determination.

Let's read together

Once upon a time there was a cat named Gray who lived in a small village. Grigio wasn't a cat like the others: he didn't have boots. All the other cats in the village had a pair of them, tall and sleek, perfect for their adventures. Grigio, on the other hand, was born without it, and this made him a little different and sometimes a little sad.

One day, while Grigio was basking in the sun as usual, he saw a sign hanging from the tree in the square. The sign announced a great tournament: the prize was a pair of magical boots, capable of granting wishes. Gray jumped up, full of hope. Finally he could have a pair of boots too, just like all the other cats!

He immediately signed up for the tournament and began training hard. He climbed trees, jumped on roofs and ran around the village, challenging the other cats in competitions of speed and agility. He was determined to win the prize and make his dream come true.

The day of the tournament arrived and Grigio showed up for the challenge full of determination. There were cats from all over the kingdom, all wearing beautiful, shiny boots. Gray felt a little in awe, but he didn't give up. He fought with courage and skill, overcoming one test after another.

The final was against a large black cat with a pair of flaming red boots. He was the strongest and most feared cat in the village, but Gray did not let himself be intimidated. They fought with all their strength, but in the end Grigio prevailed.

Among the spectators' screams of joy, Grigio received the prize: the magical golden boots. He wore them proudly and immediately felt a special power course through his veins. He closed his eyes and formulated his wish: "I want to be a happy cat loved by everyone."

When he opened his eyes, the world around him was different. All the cats in the village looked at him with admiration and respect. They no longer saw him as the cat without boots, but as a hero and a friend. Grigio had finally found his happiness and no longer needed any pair of boots to feel special.

From that day, Grigio lived many fantastic adventures with his new friends. Together they explored the world, helped those in need and had a lot of fun. And even though he had never worn the boots he was born with, Gray had finally found his true treasure: friendship and love.

Let's listen together

mamma legge la fiaba
Bedtime stories
The cat without the boots

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