Reading time: 4 minutes

Let's read and listen to the tale of Pinco the goldfish


Goldfish, known scientifically as Carassius auratus, are freshwater fish that are very popular as pets. They are famous for their vibrant color, peaceful nature, and relative ease of care.

Origins and history:

Goldfish are descended from wild East Asian carp. They were bred and selected in China as early as the 10th century, and then spread to Europe at the end of the 17th century. There are several varieties of goldfish, each with distinctive physical characteristics, such as body shape, fin size and coloration. Some popular varieties include common goldfish, comet, ranchu, oranda and lion's head.

Physical characteristics:

Goldfish have a robust, tapered body, with well-proportioned fins and a bilobed tail. Their size varies depending on the variety, but on average they reach a length of 15-20 cm. The most common color is red, but there are also white, orange, yellow, black and even multicolored goldfish.

Care and feeding:

Goldfish are relatively easy to care for, but it is important to provide them with the right environment to live healthy and happy lives. Here are some essential tips:

  • Acquarium: Choose a large aquarium, at least 50 liters for a single goldfish and more for larger groups. Make sure the aquarium is equipped with a proper filtration and heating system.
  • Temperature: The ideal temperature for water is between 18°C ​​and 24°C.
  • Diet: Goldfish are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, vegetables and aquatic insects. It is important to avoid overfeeding them and choose high-quality foods.
  • Cleaning: The aquarium should be cleaned regularly to remove debris and prevent algae growth. It is advisable to change about 25% of the water every week.

Behavior and sociality:

Goldfish are generally peaceful and sociable, and can live in groups. However, some varieties can be more aggressive than others, so it is important to choose compatible tank mates. Goldfish are also known for their intelligence and can be trained to perform simple tasks.

Life expectation:

With proper care, goldfish can live up to 10-15 years. Some varieties, under optimal conditions, can even reach 20 years.


  • Goldfish have excellent memories and can recognize their owners.
  • They can communicate with each other through a variety of sounds and body gestures.
  • There are several legends and popular beliefs associated with goldfish, often linked to luck and prosperity.

Ultimately, goldfish can be rewarding and fun pets, offering a pop of color and life to any aquarium. If you're thinking about getting a goldfish, make sure you do your research and are prepared to provide the proper care to ensure it lives a long and happy life.

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Let's read together

In a small lake, surrounded by water lilies and papyrus, lived a little goldfish named Pinco. Pinco was a special fish, not only for his bright color, but also for his passion for soap bubbles.

Every day, Pinco enjoyed creating bubbles of all shapes and sizes. He blew bubbles as big as his head, as small as grains of rice, and even as long as glittering ribbons. His bubbles floated in the water, creating a magical show of light and color.

The other fish in the pond looked at Pinco with amazement. They had never seen a fish do things like that. Some were curious, others a little scared. But Pinco didn't care. He was happy to share his passion for him with anyone who would listen.

One day, a wise old fish named Barbel Fish approached Pinco. “Why are you blowing bubbles, son?”, he asked in a gentle voice.

Pinco smiled. “Because I enjoy them!”, he exclaimed. “I like to see them floating in the water and creating plays of light. And then, they make me feel free and happy.”

Barbfish nodded slowly. “I understand,” he said. “Soap bubbles are like dreams. They can take us far away, into a world of fantasy and imagination.”

From that day, Pinco and Pesce Barbo became friends. Together, they spent their days blowing bubbles and daydreaming. Pinco's bubbles filled the pond with joy and magic, teaching all the fish that life is full of wonders to discover, if only you have the courage to dream.

Let's listen together

mamma legge la fiaba
Bedtime stories
Pinco goldfish

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