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Go ahead: third day of the third cycle

After a practically sleepless night, due to my allergy to pollen, which in this period is the only one that travels free in the air, at 7 I witnessed the Holy Mass of the Pope from Santa Marta.

Santa Martha

Terzo giorno del terzo ciclo
Papa Francesco a Santa Marta

Nella sua omelia, riferendosi al Vangelo odierno (Mt 11,25-30), Gesù rende lode al Padre perché ha nascosto il Vangelo ai sapienti e ai dotti e lo ha rivelato ai piccoli.

He takes as an example the little ones, the children, and their simplicity, their purity of expressions, of language, pure and simple. And he quotes a confession made to him by a little boy, who confessed to him with purity that he "sent to hell" a relative of his for not having satisfied one of his wishes ("and he also knew geography well, because he also told me in which country sent it”)

And it also refers to a letter written by a boy, Andrea, who with an easy word and fluent writing points out to him one of his mistakes: that of always repeating "exchange a sign of peace". Pope Francis says: "it's okay, his sincerity, his purity, for pointing out my mistake (not knowing, however, that the participants in the Mass only exchange a bow as a sign of peace".

But in the end what is needed is coherence, simplicity, sincerity: and not as we unfortunately learn when we grow up to "wrap" speeches to make them less usable, less clear, less understandable.

The Pope concluded the celebration with adoration and the Eucharistic blessing, inviting all to do theSpiritual communionBelow is the prayer recited by the Pope:

Gesù mio, credo che sei realmente presente nel Santissimo Sacramento dell’altare.
I love you above all things and desire you in my soul.
Since now I cannot receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
As you have already come, I embrace you and everything joins you.
Don't let me ever separate from You.

Eugene is still sleeping

Eugenio dorme ancora. Oggi siamo al terzo giorno del terzo ciclo del Temodal.

Alle 7.45 crollo dal sonno. Io ed Eugenio poi ci risvegliamo alle 10.

Io mi metto subito al lavoro, tanto la mia colazione è avvenuta alle 4; Eugenio prende prima ondansetron, and after about 20 minutes he also took the Themodal.

Today the slightly staggered times allow us to have lunch together, having a kind of brunch, directly at 12.30

Eugenio e Francesca
Eugene and Frances

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