Reading time: 2 minutes

Read and listen to the tale: “The fox and the bramble”

Hello friends from all over the world!

Today I have the pleasure of reading to you the tale taken from the book "Aesop's fables

Let's read together

Once upon a time there was a cute fox with a shiny brown coat who lived in a small house in the middle of the woods. One beautiful spring morning the animal left its home with the intention of procuring prey for midday.

Vagando per la brughiera fischiettando allegramente, la volpe attirò l’attenzione di un ingenuo leprottino il quale, incuriosito, le si avvicinò per osservarla meglio. L’astuta volpe non si lasciò sfuggire l’occasione e sorridendo al cucciolotto gli disse: “Buongiorno a te mio piccolo amico. Cosa fai tutto solo in questi boschi?”

The little hare suddenly became wary of all that interest and, slowly backing away, replied: “Oh, nothing, absolutely nothing. In fact, now that I think about it, I should have gone home."

Ma la volpe non aveva alcuna intenzione di lasciarsi scappare un bocconcino casi prelibato. Quindi, con un abile balzo si gettò sull’animaletto per afferrarlo.

Fortunatamente il piccolino, risvegliato dall’improvviso attacco, riuscì a schivare l’aggressione con un veloce salto indietro, precipitandosi in una folle fuga verso il limitare del bosco. La volpe lo seguì fino a quando non si trovò sull’orlo di una grossa buca.

To avoid falling into the void, the animal clung to a bramble hedge, scratching and pricking itself with its thorns. Abandoning the chase, the poor fox remained sitting in front of the bramble, licking the wounds caused by it.

“What a fool I was!” She said to herself, “I grabbed onto the first thing I found to keep from falling into a hole and I only got scratches and stings. I might as well have continued the chase and dived into the pit.”

But for that day she could no longer do anything and, walking slowly due to her illness, she returned home disconsolate.

(from Aesop)

Often the fear of the unknown forces us to step back and stop even if this, at times, may be less advantageous.

Goodnight and sweet dreams from yours Francesca Robert ♥

Let's listen together

mamma legge la fiaba
Bedtime stories
The fox and the bramble

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