Reading time: 3 minutes

Read and listen to the prayer of April 11, 2023

“The only important thing is to tell the world:“The Lord is risen, He is with us!".

Our testimony can only be this.

Non importa dirlo con queste parole; si deve dire con la vita in modo che il mondo sappia non solo che Gesù è risorto, ma che vive in noi, che in noi, ora, Egli è vivente.

The resurrection continues, continues in the faith that is born in Christians.

La resurrezione del Cristo ha fatto nascere la fede della Chiesa, la resurrezione del Cristo deve continuare a dare questa fede al mondo, deve rendere testimonianza di Sé nella nostra medesima fede.”

How difficult it is to have faith and spread the message of salvation bequeathed to us.

It has just resurrected, but all around us are constant tragedies. If we let ourselves be guided by human feelings we will never be able to appreciate the great gift received from Our Lord.

Preghierina del 11 aprile 2023
Prayer of April 11, 2023 3

This evening's prayer is for all the people who are suffering in thesoul and in the body and fail to grasp the beauty of the Resurrection.

Do not cling to someone who is leaving, otherwise it will not be possible to meet the one who is about to arrive.

Carl Gustav Jung

I'm here for him, he's here for me

commentary of Jn 20:11-18, edited byEnrica Bonino knows

A relationship, a vital, profound relationship. A woman who can't move from where she thinks she is her lover. It is Mary Magdalene who gets up when it is still dark to look for the beloved of her heart, through the city, she passes all the guards, she looks for him and does not find him, she goes back and goes forward all in anguish and weeps. It's all a journey of research. And finally there is the encounter, which takes place on Easter morning and takes place in each of us who are called to have the same experience as Mary.

A lei interessa dove sta il suo Signore, perché lì sta di casa anche lei: abituarsi a vedere la sua presenza che non riconosci, fuori dal sepolcro, fuori dal lutto, fuori dalla morte… non lo trovi più nella morte, ma nell’amore che sa dare la vita. Gesù la chiama per nome. Prima si parlava sempre di Maria. Ora non si dice “Maria”, ma “Mariam”, in aramaico, che è il nome familiare con il quale Gesù la chiamava. Per Mariam incontrare il Signore Risorto è sentire Lui che dice il suo nome, addirittura nella sua lingua, nel suo dialetto.

This encounter for Mary marks the transition from death to life, from weeping to joy and has the name as its centre: she is called by name. Acknowledgment is just a personal calling by name. And the ending is this call, which becomes a mission: you make your name by reaching out to others.

What does it mean to call someone by name? We all have a name, the name is the person in relation to the other: our name is said by the other. Calling by name means something very strong: "I am here for you, as you are here for me".

Enrica Bonino knows


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preghiera di abbandono
Little prayer
Prayer of April 11, 2023

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